Latinos En Spokane

Social Services
The Community Comadres program provides wrap-around services and technical assistance to support families navigating state and local systems.
Through this program, we are advocating for Latino and immigrant families and have successfully expanded this visibility into local health, housing, food justice, courts, and other local systems
Ask a Comadre, they can help you with
Enrolling in WA Health Insurance
Food Delivery to elders and vulnerable families
Rental & Energy Assistance
And More!
Community Health Advocate Management Program
Our Community Comadres, Social Workers, completed a 6-week Community Health Advocate Management Program through UCLA this 2024 winter!
This professional development learning will equipped our Comades with advanced skills and knowledge to effectively support and empower our community members in accessing essential health resources and services. They will play a vital role in promoting health equity and improving the overall well-being of our community.