Latinos En Spokane
Health Coaching
Activa Tu Salud - Working with Elders in our community
In 2022, we launched Activa Tu Salud Health Program in partnership with Empire Health Foundation. Activa Tu Salud is an Adult Health Coaching Program created to support adult Latinos and immigrants in our community to achieve healthier lifestyles, gain access to healthcare programs, engage with their own healthcare, foster self-management skills, support navigating medical appointments and referrals, and decrease the utilization of hospitals and Emergency Rooms.
Activa Tu Salud is led by our Social Worker/Community Comadres program. Our team underwent extensive training last winter with the Empire Health Foundation, the Washington Department of Health, and Better Health Together to develop Activa Tu Salud. The program focuses on community members who are elder and or uninsured to provide individual support to improve access to preventative health tools to reach their health goals.

Over 80% of Activa Tu Salud elders have no health insurance access. Through our Community Comadre/Social Workers program, we have developed a healthcare access guide for undocumented residents to access preventative health, sliding scale medical fees in community-based clinics and hospitals, oral health programs, community health events, and local /state resources. Throughout 2022 we successfully provided the following direct services to elder Latino and immigrant community members in Spokane County:
One-on-one Health education and coaching
In-home assessments and accompaniment to medical appointments
Oral Health support
Cultural events- At the request of Activa Tu Salud clients, we developed a series of cultural events to foster belonging and community socialization. Our events ranged from Loteria, domino nights, plant workshops, and Activa Tu Salud meet-ups.
Walks with clients!

Smiles Spokane Oral Health Program
Latinos en Spokane is partnering with Better Health Together, Smiles Spokane to create access to oral healthcare through community care coordination. This year we will be working to create community connections with local dentist for insured and uninsured Latino and immigrant in Spokane County, distribute 1000 oral health kits and resources through El Mercadito, and provide direct transportation assistance to and from dental appointments.