Latinos En Spokane

On May Day We Get
Loud And March
For Our Rights!
Let's celebrate and honor workers, connect collective struggles, and demand our rights to dignified work, fair wages, safety, racial and immigrant justice, 2SLGBTQIA+ Rights, and our right to housing, health and education to better our lives!
As the Spokane community grows in population and diversity, we have stressed the importance of creating a welcoming and safe environment for everyone. We have proven that standing together as a community we can make change happen in our community! We need to keep voicing our concerns!
Participate in the Our May DayMarch
Immigrants have always played a large part in May Day and workers' movements. This is something that we should always remember and honor, especially since immigration is now being used as a wedge to divide workers. At this moment, anti-immigrant rhetoric has taken center stage in our political arena and has pitted communities living on the margins against each other, rather than uniting and organizing to build collective power. Labor is one point where, when organized, it can benefit every community. It is in the interest of all to recognize each other as fellow workers and to be in solidarity regardless of nationality or immigration status. Let's continue to honor the true history of May Day and stand with immigrant workers. A labor movement will be incomplete if we only think of workers as those with legal status and exclude immigrants. Workers are workers no matter where they are from. Only by overcoming the divisiveness that is imposed upon us can we make our movement stronger.

The people united will never be divided
Thank You To Spokane Organizations, Unions, and Groups For Supporting Our March