Latinos En Spokane

In 2022, Latinos En Spokane joined the WA Department of Commerce-Small Business Resiliency Network to create a cultural Small Business Development Center for Latino, Immigrant/Refugee, and ITIN holders in Spokane County. Working in partnership with SBRN, our center aims to provide technical assistance for small businesses and entrepreneurs, assistance with the startup process, translations, training, mentoring, connections with local and state resources, and streamlined business information in Spanish.
We know many talented entrepreneurs who sell food products informally as street vendors or from home kitchens, making them vulnerable to fines or arrest. By creating access and lowering barriers, we can help entrepreneurs achieve business ownership and economic stability. In June 2023, we launched Emprendete, an incubator space. This initiative supports entrepreneur culture and protects street vendors by providing economic development support for Latinos, immigrants, and ITIN holders in Spokane County.
Support Latino Businesses In Spokane
Contact us at (509)-558-9359